Kafka is used as the message brokers between services. There are currently 4 topics:
Topic | Description | Producers | Consumers |
logs | Service activity logs data on creating, updating, and deleting model from all services. This data is processed by Activity Log service to be processed further as audit trail logs. | All services | Activity Log Service |
transactions | All wallet transactions data. | Wallet Service | Report Service |
rounds | Game round transactions data with a detailed information on the round played. | Wallet Service | Report Service |
registrations | Player registration data. | Player Service | Report Service |
To handle multitanency, topics are set different between operators in the format of [OPERATOR-CODE]-[TOPIC]
. For example, operator dev will have the topic name of dev-transactions for the transactions topic.
In case you need to run a consumer for the Kafka in the development or staging environment in your local server, set your consumer group ID to the following format:
Eg: You are trying to debug transactions consumer process in the local server by using Kafka in the development server. Set your CONSUMER_GROUP_ID
variable to john-report-service
Connecting to Kafka from all services will require you to have the CA, KEY, and PEM files and refer the path in the environment variables. If you have the access to the Aiven console, you can get the value from the projects. If you don't, contact the developers.
Kafka Development VM: https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instancesDetail/zones/asia-southeast1-a/instances/kafka-1?project=provider-serverless
Kafka Brokers URL:
Kafka UI:
Connecting to Kafka from some services may require you to have the CA, KEY, and PEM files and refer the path in the environment variables. If you have the access to the Aiven console, you can get the value from the projects. If you don't, contact the developers.
Name | Value |
KAFKA_BROKERS_URL | igaming-prod-v1-gigaming-eb41.aivencloud.com:25762 |
KAFKA_KEY_PATH | refer to your onboarding attachment |
KAFKA_PEM_PATH | refer to your onboarding attachment |
KAFKA_CERT_PATH | refer to your onboarding attachment |
Kafka messages can be replayed by using the following curl commands
Replay Kafka round message
curl --request POST \
--url https://uno.unoapi.com/report/consume \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"stopTimestamp": 1672851599}'
Set scout consumer offset commit
curl --request POST \
--url https://uno.unoapi.com/report/create-and-commit \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"brokerUrl": "igaming-whitelabel-gigaming-eb41.aivencloud.com:25762", "reqCert": true, "certPath":"\/kafka\/cert\/aiven-kafka-cert", "keyPath":"\/kafka\/key\/aiven-kafka-key", "pemPath":"\/kafka\/pem\/aiven-kafka-ca-pem", "partition":0, "offset": 109510000}'
Delete past 3 monts data
curl --request POST \
--url https://uno.unoapi.com/report/delete-3-months-data \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"collection": "transactions"}'